Christian Man Attacked in Sargodha, Pakistan, Over Blasphemy Allegations

Sargodha, Pakistan – May 25, 2024 A Christian man in Sargodha, Pakistan, was brutally attacked by a mob on Saturday over unproven allegations of blasphemy. The incident highlights the ongoing threats faced by religious minorities in the country.

According to reports, the mob assaulted the man in Mujahid Colony and vandalized his residence. The violence escalated as the mob then set fire to the man’s house, which also housed his shoe factory. Footage circulating on social media, though unverified by authorities, shows the mob surrounding an injured man and vandalizing furniture outside a house.

Local authorities downplayed the incident, with District Police Officer (DPO) Malhi claiming the videos were “fake” and that no one was hurt. However, reports contradict these claims.

Blasphemy is a sensitive issue in Pakistan, and accusations, even unsubstantiated ones, can incite violence. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the precarious situation faced by religious minorities in the country, who are often targeted by mobs on mere suspicion of blasphemy.

The extent of the man’s injuries and his current condition remain unclear. It is important to note that blasphemy accusations are frequently used to settle personal vendettas or intimidate minorities.


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