Overseas Pakistani Christian Community in Europe Protests Against Mob Violence in Sargodha, Pakistan

Brussels, Belgium – June 15, 2024 – Brussels Hundreds of Christians from across Europe gathered today at the European Parliament in Brussels to protest against the recent mob violence in Sargodha, Pakistan, which resulted in the tragic death of Nazir Masih, a local Christian resident. The peaceful demonstration aimed to draw attention to the ongoing persecution of religious minorities in Pakistan and to urge the European Union to take a firm stance against such atrocities.

Protesters, including religious leaders, activists, and community members, carried banners, and chanted slogans calling for justice for Nazir Masih and the protection of religious minorities in Pakistan. The event was marked by speeches from prominent figures within the Christian community, who highlighted the persistent discrimination and violence faced by Christians in Pakistan.

Background:  On June 10, 2024, Nazir Masih, a Christian man from Sargodha, was brutally attacked by a mob after being falsely accused of blasphemy. Despite his innocence, Nazir Masih was beaten to death, and his home was set ablaze. This incident is part of a disturbing trend of mob violence against religious minorities in Pakistan, often fueled by false accusations and lack of legal protections.

Statements of Speakers:

“The tragic death of Nazir Masih highlights the urgent need for reforms in Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, which are often exploited to target and persecute minorities. We call on the international community to join us in demanding justice for Nazir and to push for legal changes that will prevent such atrocities in the future.”

“We are here today to voice our collective outrage and sorrow over the brutal murder of Nazir Masih. This incident is not isolated; it is a part of a systemic issue of religious intolerance and violence that has plagued Pakistan for far too long. We urge the European Parliament to leverage its influence to ensure that the Pakistani government takes decisive action to protect its religious minorities”.

“As a faith leader, I am deeply saddened and outraged by the murder of Nazir Masih. This act of violence is a violation of basic human rights and the principles of religious freedom. We implore the European Parliament to stand with us and advocate for stronger protections for religious minorities in Pakistan. Our prayers are with Nazir’s family, and we will not rest until justice is served.”

“Nazir Masih’s death is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan. It is imperative that the European Union takes a stand against such human rights abuses. We call for immediate action to ensure that Nazir’s death is not in vain and that steps are taken to prevent further violence and discrimination against minorities in Pakistan”.

 “We are gathered here today not only to mourn the loss of Nazir Masih but to demand that the Pakistani government take immediate and concrete steps to protect its religious minorities. The international community, especially the European Union, must hold Pakistan accountable for these egregious human rights violations”.

“The murder of Nazir Masih is reminder of the dangers faced by religious minorities in Pakistan. We call on the European Parliament to put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to ensure justice for Nazir and to implement stronger protections for all minorities.”

The protesters presented a memorandum to the European Parliament, outlining their key demands.

    1. Justice for Nazir Masih: A thorough and impartial investigation into his death, with the perpetrators brought to justice. Protection and support for Nazir Masih’s family, including financial assistance and legal aid.
    2. Legal Reforms in Pakistan: Legal Reforms in Strengthening laws to protect religious minorities and prevent misuse of blasphemy laws. Implementation of stringent measures to prevent mob violence and ensure swift legal action against perpetrators.
    3. International insight: Increased international scrutiny and pressure on Pakistan to uphold human rights and protect minorities.
    4. Support for Victims: Financial and legal aid for the families of victims of religious violence.
    5. Awareness and Advocacy: Collaboration with media, educational institutions, and civil society organizations to highlight cases of religious persecution and advocate for change.
    6. Support for Victims: Creation of safe havens and support networks for individuals at risk of persecution due to their religious beliefs.

The protest was organized by concerned members of the Pakistani diaspora in Europe, including Azeem Masih, Moon Samuel, Latif Bhatti, Sarwar Ghuri, Imran Gill, Bishop Arshed Khokhar, Watson Gill, Aneel Naeem, Yaqoob Samuel, Khalid Chaudhry, Ilyas Bhatti, Pervez Bhatti, Gul Irfan, Anson, Justin Bhatti, Joseph Jansen, Pastor John Ashraf, Kasif Masih, Imran Babu, and Mumtaz Masih, advocating for human rights and the protection of minorities in Pakistan.

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